
Text for Cookie banner (EN)

What is it?

A cookie banner is a pop-up on your website that:

  • Informs the visitor that cookies are used on the website; and
  • Asks the visitor for permission to use certain cookies.

Why do I need it?

In some cases, a cookie banner is mandatory, because you need permission from your users to place certain cookies. This is the case with extensive analytical cookies and tracking cookies. With this tool you can easily determine whether you need permission and you will immediately be provided with the right text.


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Other designations

  • Cookie notice

Good to know

Turns out you need user consent? Then you must also inform users about cookies. You can use our Cookie Declaration for this. You can then place a link to this declaration in the Cookie banner.

Not sure which cookies are placed on your site? You can check this in your browser (e.g. Chrome, the steps for this are explained in our wizard), or via a site such as Cookie Checker.

Explanation cookies

Cookies are textual files that are placed on the user’s device through the use of a certain website. These cookies can have various functions. They can be necessary for the well-functioning of your website (language settings, the use of shopping carts, the storage of login data). They can also provide analytical information (for example the number of visitors on your website). On top of that, they can be used for tracking purposes (that way the operators of the cookies track the serving behavior of your customers in order to present them with targeted adds).

Legal explanation

You are legally obliged to inform visitors to your website about placing and/or reading cookies on their device. It differs per type of cookie what the extent is of the information obligation, and whether permission from the user is required. A distinction is made between:

  • Functional and pure analytical cookies
    Functional cookies are important for the operation of your website. Pure analytical cookies are used to count visitors. These cookies have no impact on user privacy.
  • Extensive analytical and tracking cookies
    These have an impact on user privacy. Therefore, they must be properly informed and consent must be obtained in a legally valid manner.

Cookies can be placed by you, as a website owner, but also by third parties. By means of a banner, you will also need to ask permission on behalf of relevant third parties, for the placement and use of cookies on your website.

Our wizard guides you step by step in drawing up the Cookie banner, so that all required information is included. It also contains a number of additional tips about how you should or should not set up a Cookie banner.

Use the Cookie banner in combination with the Cookie Declaration to be sure that you meet the requirements.


Text for Cookie banner (EN)

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