
Assignment Agreement (B2B)

What is it?

An assignment agreement is a contract between the client and the contractor about a service or assignment executed by the contractor.
In such a contract, among others, the following things are specified:

  • which service or assignment the contractor offers;
  • what client pays for it;
  • intellectual property, confidentiality; and
  • what the duration of the agreement will be.

Why do I need it?

With an assignment agreement, you make sure that the arrangements between you and your client or contractor are clearly documented. This provides both parties certainty and prevents discussions and conflicts.

Topics covered include:

  • the price for the assignment;
  • the duration of the assignment;
  • what happens with the intellectual property;
  • rules regarding liability.


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Also known as..

  • Services Agreement
  • Commission Agreement

Important tips

You may choose to use general terms. General terms owe their popularity to the fact that they enable you to make your deals much faster. When using general terms, you can limit your assignment agreement and include solely the key topics, such as the price and the duration. However, make sure you use the general terms correctly. Not only should the offer refers to the general terms, you are also legally obligated to provide the terms (ter hand stellen) to your client. It is not required that the client actually reads the terms, but your client should at least have the possibility to read the general terms. If this is not done properly, a court could rule that your terms are not applicable. Of course, you are not obliged to make use of general terms. You may also include all details in the actual contract or offer. This, however, makes the assignment agreement rather long and an enormously time-consuming practice.

Legal explanation

This agreement reflects best practices based on numerous agreements that we have drafted, reviewed or even litigated.
We aim to create a balanced agreement that helps both the client and the contractor to protect its interest, it is written in plain English without the fuss and lingo of your ordinary legal document.

Assignment Agreement (B2B)

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