

Benieuwd hoe onze contractengenerator werkt?

Op deze pagina kun je snel en gratis een voorbeeldcontract opstellen.

  1. Druk hiernaast op de knop "Contract maken".
  2. Geef antwoord op de vragen.
  3. Download je voorbeeldcontract en zie wat er mogelijk is.

Echt contract nodig?

Heb je een ander contract nodig, zoals een aandeelhoudersovereenkomst, arbeidsovereenkomst of koopcontract? Op deze pagina vind je ons hele aanbod:  Winkel | Legalloyd

Advies nodig?

Wij helpen je graag met het uitzoeken van het contract dat geschikt is voor jou. Als je vragen hebt of advies nodig hebt, kun je hier contact met ons opnemen:  Contact | Legalloyd.


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Our team is dedicated to bringing you the English version of the shareholders' agreement. Coming your way soon!

This is Legalloyd

We are a tech-driven law firm. It is our mission to provide legal advice and legal products that are affordable and easy to understand for business owners.


We have been at the forefront of legal tech since 2015. We create our own technical solutions to provide excellent yet affordable legal services.

How we work


Draft your own contracts for your business and save up to 80% in legal costs.

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Our team of experienced lawyers go the extra mile for you and will guide you through complex legal cases.


Legal help without the hassle

Drafting great contracts isn't easy.
We skip the legal jargon and complex language, delivering clear, high-quality contracts that are straightforward for both you and your counterparts to understand.

Save on your legal costs by using our platform!

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Custom work

Legalloyd is a hybrid firm. We combine custom work with our automated offering.

Negotiations, custom contracting, strategic advice or conflict resolution, we have got your back.

Our custom work is highly efficient since we can often work on the automated output.

Contact us for a meeting and see what we can do for your business.

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